Armchair Travel to Sicily for a 3-Day Mindful Art Retreat
Be enchanted by the sights and sounds of Sicily! Filmed at the Masseria San Giovanni Sgadari, Art of Being's Michael Anderson will introduce you to mindfulness meditation and art practices designed to help you create a space of calm, see your life from a larger perspective, and reconnect with our innate human capacity to make meaning of our experiences through art.
- Start 2024 with a weekend dedicated to your life!
- Connect with new friends and fellow travelers on the path of personal discovery
- LIVE Video Call Sessions each day at 1 pm Europe / 7am New York
- Registration includes a €100 Coupon for the next in-person Art of Being Retreat in Sicily, July 6-13, 2024
No experience in art or meditation required
High-quality media content brings Sicily to your home
Filmed on location in San Giovanni Sgadari, Sicily, each lesson features rich video content, which beautifully captures the sights and sounds of this magical island, bringing a fresh perspective to your home retreat experience.
Simple and inviting instruction makes mindfulness accessible
Each day features an exploration of mindfulness through guided practices. Michael's calm, clear guidance, based on years of study and practice, will help you begin or deepen your own path of meditation.
Art Experiences: Art-making as a contemplative practice
No experience necessary! Our art experiences flow naturally from the space created by mindfulness practice. Art-making is approached as a vehicle for deeper understanding, not a set of skills or techniques to be mastered.
Hi, I’m Michael Anderson. Welcome to Sicily!
My connection to Sicily begins with a ship called the S.S. Patria, which left the port of Palermo in October 1914. As a young child, I used to listen to the stories of my great uncle who told me about crossing the ocean on that ship as a boy. Those stories led me to Sicily for the first time in 2012, and I am excited to share this beautiful land with you through this program.
Our world is in a state of rapid change, flux, and uncertainty. It is important that we find a still point in this turbulent world, that we come to know ourselves and tell our story as only we can tell it. It is important that we come to see our individual lives as an integral piece of a much larger human tapestry. To do so is to become more fully human, more fully our true selves.
Retreat Program
Money an issue?
The teachings in Art of Being online programs are offered in a spirit of dana, or generosity. Enrollment fees help defray the costs of creating and hosting Art of Being programs. In order to ensure programs are accessible to all, they may be offered at reduced cost or no charge, upon request, to those whose financial situation would prevent them from enrolling at the Standard Rate. To make a request, please click here.